Project Kingstonevale WWTW Balancing Dam

Estimate Completion Date: 16 August 2019

  • Construction Cost: R13,000,000.00

Silulumanzi has identified certain required upgrades of the WWTW in order to better the operational arrangement of the WWTW and to increase the already good effluent quality of the WWTW. The focus is the balancing of the influent in order to reduce peak inflow spikes. The purpose of balancing of the inflow, is to achieve a constant inflow into the plant. Reducing any peak inflow surge will stabilize all processes and increase the operational functionality of the works.

The scope of work for the intended upgrade consists of the following: 

  • The provision of an inflow balancing pond. 

  • Modification of the inlet pipework to facilitate pumping into the splitter box and/or to the new pond. 

  • Provision of an outlet from the pond to the existing splitter box. 

The provision of additional storage will have a two-folded purpose: 

  • Containing the additional flow from the pump station to ensure the treatment works do not exceed its capacity. 

  • A more controlled inflow into the treatment works. 


The influent will be pumped from the pump station sump via the two 500mm AC rising mains to the proposed valve box located just in front of the sludge dewatering building. The valve box allows the operator to have full control over the distribution of the influent between the balancing pond or the splitter box. The valve box will join the two pump mains into one sewer line discharging into the balancing pond’s concrete sump.

The pump main will be installed through the dam wall to minimize the effect of additional head on the sewer pumps. There will be only one discharge pipe from the pond that will pass through a meter chamber. The meter chamber will be the control point between the pond and the splitter box. The outlet pipe will connect back to the existing pump main to the splitter box.